Our restaurant supports Falun dafa

Falun Dafa is a spiritual practice that helps you to return “home”. 

Falun Dafa is the higher Law, the higher Way of the cosmos; it has no form. 

By cultivating in Falun Dafa, you can understand how the universe works at different levels, why you lose and gain, the root cause of your sickness/suffering, the meaning of your life, the true Way to return “home”, and so on.

Falun Dafa can deliver you from this world. 

Falun Dafa can help you cultivate to be a good person in any situation, and that your qualities are assimilated with the immutable qualities of the universe.

From the smallest universe to the highest universe, these qualities do not change.

Zhuan Falun

Zhuan Falun is a divine book. It has inner meanings and can bring about spiritual experiences. The book is available to read online for free.

“After reading the book for the first time, you will find that it teaches the principles of how to be a good person; if you read the book again, you will find that what it explains are not ordinary principles, and that it is a book that transcends worldly knowledge; if you can read it a third time, you will find that it is a divine book; if you keep reading it, you won’t be able to put it down.”

-Master Li Hongzhi